Saturday, May 17, 2008

The components of C language

The components of C language

There are five main component of C language are:

1. The character set: Any alphabet ,digit or special symbol ,used to represent information is denoted by character. The character in C are grouped into four categories.

1 Letters A...Z and a...z
2 Digits 0,1,2,.....9
3 Special Symbol ~,`,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(),.,<,>,?,/,",:,;,{},[]
4 White Space blank space, Carriage return, form feed, newline, horizontal tab

2. The data types: The power of the programming language depends, among other thing, on the range of different types of data it can handle.

3. Constants: A constant is a fix value that doesn't change while program execution.

4. Variable: A variable is an entity whose value can change during program execution.

5. Keywords: Keywords are those word which have been assigned specific meaning in C language. Keywords should not be used as variable names to avoid problem.

Note: Above given all the term has been discussed in details in next section.



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