Before defining the function, it is desired to declare the
function with its prototype.
In function prototype, the return value of function, type,
and number of argument are specified.
Function declaration is written in following ways:
return data_type function_name (data_type argument 1,
data_type argument 2 ................data_type argument n)
local variable declaration;
executable statement 1;
executable statement 2
executable statement n;
Note: An empty pair of parenthesis must follow the function
name if the function definition does not include any arguments.
If it returns a float than command is:
float f1(float arg 1, int arg 2);
if it returns no value or return a character, then replace
float by void or char respectively. If no arguments passed
into a function than command is:
char fun1 ( );
An example program using a small add function:
Out put of the program
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